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Our Schools

Yorkshire Endeavour Academy Trust is a unique and exciting partnership that was formed in 2018 by five primary schools that have a long and successful track record of collaborative working. Each with significant expertise in supporting schools.

Our Schools

Yorkshire Endeavour Academy Trust is a unique and exciting partnership that was formed in 2018 by five primary schools that have a long and successful track record of collaborative working. Each with significant expertise in supporting schools.

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For Parents and Carers

School meals


Children are encouraged to have a school lunch. The menus are planned and cooked to provide healthy and well balanced meals at lunch time. If your child chooses to bring a packed lunch we encourage parents to include healthy choices. Please do not send sweets, glass bottles or canned drinks.

Meals are served in a family service system where the older children serve food from the centre of each table. We really value this system and feel it brings such richness to the children's dining experience. 

All  children in Years Reception, 1 and 2  are  now  entitled to a Universal Free School Meal. 

School meals for Nursery and Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 must be paid for in advance, online, through the "My Child At School " (MCAS) parent portal. The current cost is £3 per day per child (£15 per week). Nursery meals cost £1.90. These payments are heavily subsidised by the school as we value the benefits of children eating a healthy, cooked meal. Payment can be weekly, half termly or termly.

Parents' attention is drawn to the fact that refrigerated storage is not available for packed lunches.

North Yorkshire school meals

Our school meals follow a healthy-eating policy.

Our meals are produced freshly every day in a school kitchen from only:

  • fresh meat and poultry sourced from the region;

  • fruit and vegetables sourced regionally where possible using local suppliers;

  • products free from additives associated with health problems in young children;

  • fats free from hydrogenated oils; with

  • menus that are nutritionally balanced

Click here for more information

Free school meals

Information provided by North Yorkshire County Council

Information about Free School meals