Yorkshire Endeavour Academy Trust is a unique and exciting partnership that was formed in 2018 by five primary schools that have a long and successful track record of collaborative working. Each with significant expertise in supporting schools.
For Parents and Carers
"Mrs Wilson and Miss Stone are amazing and my boys love them. ****** has come on so much with also the help from Miss Spenceley. I love all the outside learning as well amazing."
"Friendly, small, supportive."
"Welcoming, small class size, age groups mixing."
"Communication and sense of community. The children look out for each other."
"I feel like the staff know the children well and it makes such a difference. The children are treated as the individuals they are and not just a number."
"Seeking parents input."
"Miss Stone has made such an impression already and we are very thankful for her hard work."
"Nurturing Caring Inclusive Staff go above and beyond their role."
"Feel of a small family. All looking out for each other."
"The positive and approachable attitude of the staff. Plus the whole nurturing ethos of the school."
"Small, close family feel about the place. They all look after one another."
"Welcoming atmosphere. The new PE activities they are doing. Learning with using outside facilities that they have."
"Recently the school have provided a lot more external experiences and have brought people in to help the kids understand about different cultures/religions which I think is fantastic."
"We have seen so much change, positivity, enthusiasm within the school atmosphere and environment. The values of the school are just what we want for our boys."
Ofsted (the Office for Standards in Education) have an online questionnaire called ‘Parent View’, which gives you the chance to tell them and us what you think about our school.
Parent View asks for your opinion on twelve aspects of our school. Click below.
We encourage all parents / carers to take a few minutes to complete this valuable questionnaire.