Yorkshire Endeavour Academy Trust is a unique and exciting partnership that was formed in 2018 by five primary schools that have a long and successful track record of collaborative working. Each with significant expertise in supporting schools.
For Parents and Carers
08.00 |
Breakfast club opens |
08.45 – 8.55 |
Arrive at school |
08.55 |
Registration |
10.30 – 10.45 |
Playtime |
12.00 – 13.00 |
Lunchtime |
15.30 |
End of school |
The register is taken at 8.55am. The register is an important legal document which must be marked accurately and on time. Please make sure your child is in school by 8.55am so they are present when the register is called and to avoid missing any learning time.
There has been much research promoting the importance of drinking plenty of water throughout the school day, therefore every child has supervised access to drinking water throughout the school day. In addition to the many health benefits, the evidence also indicates that there is a strong link between drinking water and increased concentration in children.
At morning break, all children are provided with a piece of fruit. This is a result of our poverty proofing audit in 2023 where we found some children were not getting access to a healthy snack due to financial reasons.
The school is committed to promoting healthy eating as part of our personal, social and health education programme. Our school meals are an important way of presenting children with a range of healthy but appealing food choices, including a vegetarian option and the option to have a jacket potato with a range of toppings.
School meals are prepared on site and the older children serve the food at tables in our ‘family service’ approach. If you wish to change from packed lunch to school dinners or vice versa it would be helpful if you could give us at least one week’s notice.
Dinner money is payable online through our parent portal “My Child At School” (MCAS). The cost is currently £3 per day. This amount is less than the school is charged by our provider but we subsidise the cost because we recognise the benefits of a healthy school meal.
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive a “universal free school meal” at no cost to the parents/carers.
The school and your child may also benefit from additional funding from the government known as the Pupil Premium Grant, if your child is entitled to a “statutory free school meal.” The government introduced the Pupil Premium to help children from low income families reach their full potential and to achieve higher academic grades at school. If you think your child qualifies, and to allow us to claim the funding, please ask the school office for a Free School Meal (FMB2) Form for completion. Children who receive free school meals are not distinguished in any way from those who pay.
If you wish your child to have a packed lunch, please support our healthy education programme by encouraging your child to eat healthily, e.g. include fresh fruit and vegetables and avoid high fat and high salt content food. Please do not bring sweets, chocolate bars or fizzy drinks in lunch boxes. Packed lunches must be in a named lunch box.
Please meet your child at home time if possible. It is important that we know who is collecting your child from school, so please make sure that they and the school know what arrangements have been made if they are different from usual. All children whose parents meet them at school will be expected to wait inside the school building with a member of staff until they see their parent.